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Drunk Driving Defense

Pennsylvania’s changing dui laws

What once started as a pleasant evening out could easily take a turn for the worse if drunk driving is involved. However, there are gray areas in which a driver gets behind the wheel after only one drink, all while maintaining good judgment and control. Despite the minor effects just one drink can have on the body, Pennsylvania’s drunk driving…

Keeping updated on pennsylvania’s dui laws

As the holiday season has come to a close, some, unfortunately, are struggling with the annoyance of a drunk driving arrest. Because it can take such small amounts of alcohol to result in burdensome penalties and fees, driving while under the influence can often become the beginning of a long and drawn out legal process. However, knowing the most updated Pennsylvania laws on…

Addressing underage DUI charges

When a younger person is accused of operating a vehicle while drunk, their future may be thrown off course right away. These charges could have a far-reaching impact on future opportunities and may also affect them in the present, such as having a negative influence on their performance in class. Moreover, other penalties may create challenges, from the loss of driving…

The walk and turn field sobriety test

If you are ever stopped while driving by an officer in Pennyslvania and that officer suspects that you may have been drinking, you might be asked to perform a few tests. These are called field sobriety tests. Contrary to what many people may believe, these tests cannot prove that you are drunk. According to, the intended purpose of these…

DUI charges and the state’s changing laws

Drunk driving charges are serious in every state, but in Pennsylvania, recent changes in the law give no second chances. Some in the state are even calling the widespread drunk driving issue the “DUI war,” remarking on the growing concern of unsafe roads. Are the recent changes in Pennsylvania’s drunk driving laws enough to make real change? The Pennsylvania Homepage…

The penalties of a first-time DUI charge

There rightfully exist a number of penalties attached to drunk driving offenses, but sometimes, a mild offense simply occurs out of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Pennsylvania, like most states, contains a set of laws and penalties regarding driving under the influence. Often these penalties can be lasting, and can negatively impact a person’s career and…

Reviewing the two hour rule

Most in Greensburg are likely familair with the number “0.08” in reference to the state’s drunk driving laws. That is the blood alcohol content measurement that indicates one is legally determined to be too impaired to operate a motor vehicle. Many may wonder, however, how such a concentration can be determined the moment one of pulled over on the road.…

Can drunk driving affect travel to Canada?

If you have been accused of getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol, all sorts of questions may be on your mind and you could wonder how the charges will affect your life. From a lengthy prison sentence to the suspension of your driver’s license and trouble with family members, these charges can have serious repercussions. If you…

Qualifying for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition

Being arrested for driving while intoxicated in Greensburg can bring with it some serious consequences. Yet we here at Schimizzi Law LLC want you to know that all is not lost. You may have already resigned yourself to losing your license and having a criminal record. The circumstances of your case, however, may allow you to secure a much more…